Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Airports to Amsterdam

I'll admit it.  Every time I step into a new airport, knowing that I have to make a connecting flight, I have a minor panic attack.

Where am I supposed to go?
What am I supposed to do?
Where is customs?
Where are those screens that tell you everything?

My mind wants to understand everything all once, but if there's anything that I've learned in travelling, it's that I will never know everything all at once.  In fact, more often than not, when I'm in a new place, I feel like I don't know anything at all!!

The Amsterdam airport today, for some reason, was particularly overwhelming.  It could be because I haven't hardly slept in the last 48 hour, but, upon my arrival, unable to locate an omniscient screen, I panicked, walked around in circles for about five minutes until I finally decided to take a trusted strategy and follow the people.

As it turns out, there was never any need to worry (as there usually isn't!) because my flight was delayed two hours (and hence, I have time to write this blog post!).

But as I approached my gate, with about three hours to spare, I had to stop and laugh at myself because I suddenly remembered a song that was a favorite of mine during high school and my first year of college.

"Airports to Amsterdam
There's nothing that we can do now,
I'm convinced, oh, that you're right
You're right where you belong,
beside me, to remind me
Did you ever think this far behind me
We would see the world for what it was 
And who we really were."

This is a song that I used to play on repeat and a vision that I had in my head of an airport in Amsterdam--and here I am walking around the airport in Amsterdam, in a tizzy, not realizing that I was literally living a moment that I had dreamed about for years.

So I'm taking some much-needed time for self reflection and New Year's goal-setting.  And documenting the fact that I'm sitting in a terminal in Amsterdam--and right now it seems to be right where I belong.  

Cheers and Happy New Year everyone!  

What are your goals for 2013?

And here is a link to the song I mentioned earlier, "Uncanny."  One of my favorites, even still! 

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