Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Day in the Life

Since I've arrived in Florence, people have been asking me questions like, "so, what exactly is it that you do?"

Honestly, living in Florence isn’t that much different than living anywhere else.  In fact, I do a lot of the same things that I’ve always done...

I wake up in the morning and think about the things that I have to do for the day. Sometimes I have to hit the snooze button once or twice.

Then, I head to work.  Some days, the traffic is just awful.

But honestly, with a view like this, I can’t complain too much about my commute.

I say “ciao” to my BFFs while I’m on my way.  They're usually just hangin' out...

I get to the office and greet my boss and my colleagues.  We work really hard.

For lunch, I can usually track down a decent panino....

Okay, I’ll admit, eating one of Luca’s sandwiches is more like religious experience than your average lunch.

On the way home, I marvel at my ostentatious neighbors.  Forget about the Joneses—here in Florence, we’re trying to keep up with the Medici!!

The wine here is, you know, just okay.  I make a pretty big sacrifice and always buy the locally made stuff…you know me, always thinking about the environment…

If it’s been a particularly rough day, I might just grab a pizza on the way home…

But I always save room for dessert!

So, I guess you could say that I have it pretty rough here.  

But what can I say? I’m doing what I love in a place that I love. I’m willing to make a few sacrifices….

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